Monday, October 17, 2011

Introducing the Taurus Cow Goddess

Hello down there and welcome to Taurus. I'm Taurus, the Bull and I've enjoyed transmitting to you for the past few thousand years every year from April 20/21 to May 20/21, which varies some years due to Mother Earth's year of 365.25 day. It all depends on the date of the March Equinox which was on March 20, 2011,so this year you'll be receiving our Taurus energy from April 20 through May 20.

Introducing the Taurus Cow GoddessHeading Out to Pasture

I'm heading out to pasture for a well deserved rest and to fully revitalize myself. I'll still be here, but it's time for my lovely, lovely Taurus Cow Goddess to step on the zodiac stage to guide and support you. You can depend on her to broadcast Taurus messages 24/7 until May 20. Trust her; she's dependable, consistent, and unswerving. No matter how many cows were there for me to sire, I always returned home to the comfort and warmth of my Cow Goddess.

Introducing the Taurus Cow GoddessTaurus Cow Goddess

Moo...Moo... Being called a Goddess is music to my ears. For so long, I've just been an ordinary cow, always there to support my man and look after our calves. Now with the Goddess in me being unveiled, I want to shower you with the most beautiful and loving Taurus cosmic beams possible to help make your dreams come true. That's what I did for my man, the Bull, all these years and it worked. You know the saying, "Behind every successful man is an inspiring woman", and certainly in our case, that was true. So now it's your turn, I'm going to help you become successful also, one steady step after another.

Introducing the Taurus Cow GoddessCow Goddess's Down-to-Earth Approach

For sure you don't have to worry about me making Taurus the Bull wrong in order to elevate myself. I have a lot of gratitude to my partner for what he set in place already. Just think, I don't have to start from scratch or reinvent the wheel. I can build on what's already here, while adding my feminine practicality, common sense and down to earth approach.

Introducing the Taurus Cow GoddessOverall Direction of the Zodiac Year

Now let me tell you more about my role in this matriarch guided civilization that we are just beginning, steered by the Goddess of Love. In the cosmos, we work together as a relay team, building on each other's successes. Each of us is striving to ensure by the end of this zodiac year, we've anchored the matriarch inspired era, especially its economic system. That's the overall direction for this zodiac year. There is a twist to this though. Aquarius, the facilitator of all the zodiac signs for the next 2100 years, in liaison with the Goddess of Love has announced that the "How To" methods must all be based on Caring.

Caring Steers the Way

The drive for strength and power needs to be set aside; with Caring now steering the way. For many of you, letting Caring take the lead could be a whole new learning curve because it's all built on proving that you genuinely will take care of yourself first. Don't be dismayed if you fall down and need to pick yourself back up a few times. Just remember that's the way you went from crawling to walking when you were a baby. Instead of your Mommy picking you back up now, you become your own Caring mother and applaud yourself until you are walking steadily without holding on to the furniture.
Read More - Introducing the Taurus Cow Goddess

African Elephant Hunting

African Elephant HuntingThe African Elephant is the largest land mammal in the world, standing more than eleven feet to their shoulders, weighing over seven tons.

African Elephant HuntingThe Elephant has dark grey skin providing perfect camouflage in the dense brush of the bushveld. African Elephants moves through the bush with surprising speed for their size, and are also very quiet.

African Elephant HuntingThe Elephant is social animal, and usually live in small herds made up of cows, calves, and juveniles. The male bulls are usually found on their own, or in bachelor herds and only occasionally mix with herds of cows. Even tusk-less cows and cows with calves by their sides can be extremely aggressive.

African Elephant HuntingElephants eyesight is relatively poor, however their hearing is very good, and their sense of smell is exceptional, as may be expected with their large trunks. Elephants can live between 50 to 70 years, which depends on their diet - during their lifetime they will grow six sets of teeth, moving forward in their jaw as previous sets wear out. Once the sixth set wear out, the Elephant will slowly die of starvation unable to eat any more.

The Elephant can be very destructive, as they prefer grass consuming up to 500 pounds per day, and rather than adapting to their habitat, the Elephant adapts the habitat to suit his purpose.

African Elephant Hunting
African Elephant HuntingAfrican Elephant Hunting
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Friday, September 2, 2011

Ishikawa's Frog

True Wild Life | Ishikawa's Frog | Ishikawa's Frog is the most beautiful frog in Japan. Forests are disappearing and rivers are becoming dirty. Ishikawa's frog is in danger. Amphibians have trouble changing when their environment changes. They have a purple and green pattern that looks like moss. It hides them from their enemies.

The population of Okinawajima is designated as a natural monument by Okinawa and Kagoshima Prefectures, but there remains a need for improved protection of forest habitat on both Okinawajima and Amamioshima.

Ishikawa's Frog only lives on Okinawa's main island, and is a very special frog. Some people believe they are Japan's most beautiful frog. Ishikawa's Frog needs small mountain streams in forests to live. However, forests are disappearing and rivers are becoming dirty. Ishikawa's Frog cannot live safely. Their numbers are becoming smaller, and we worry about their disappearance in the future. To stop the disappearance of Ishikawa's Frog, severe rules about catching and caring for them were made. But, that's not enough to save Ishikawa's Frog. Frogs are amphibians, and are very sensitive to changes in environment. We must give back the rivers, forests, and the surrounding nature to Ishikawa's Frog.
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Goliath Frog

True Wild Life | Goliath Frog | The Goliath Frog is the biggest frog in the world. They have been popular as food from a long time ago. They are also caught to keep as pets or for their skin, and their numbers have gone down to half of what they were before. This animal has a relatively small habitat range, mainly in Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea. Its numbers are dwindling due to habitat destruction, its collection for consumption as food and its collection for the pet trade.

The goliath frog is normally found in and near fast-flowing rivers with sandy bottoms in the West African countries of Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea. These rivers are usually clear and highly oxygenated. Their actual range spans from the last 200 km of the Sanaga basin in Cameroon to the north to the last 50 km  of the Benito River basin in Equatorial Guinea to the south. The river systems in which these frogs live are often found in dense, extremely humid areas with relatively high temperatures. The goliath frog can live up to 15 years in the wild. In captivity, they can live up to 21 years. While male Goliath frogs weigh up to 8 pounds, females can weigh up to 7. These frogs have acute hearing but no vocal sac, and additionally lack nuptial pads.

The goliath frog, like most frogs, feed on worms, and insects, such as dragonflies and locusts. Bees and wasps could be prey, but since they have stingers they use as a weapon, the goliath frog rarely even catch one. Goliath Frogs also eat smaller frogs, largely crabs, baby turtles, and young snakes. The goliath frog is also preyed on by snakes, Nile crocodiles and Nile monitors.

Like all amphibians the water is vital for their reproduction. The males will construct spawning and breeding areas alongside and within rivers by pushing rocks into semicircular patterns. Not much is known about the goliath frog's reproduction; however, some African scholars have started to do more research for medical reasons. They are the biggest frogs in the world. As tadpoles they are pretty small, and become frogs about 1.4cm in length. Once they become frogs they get bigger little by little.

The increase of people in the Goliath Frog's living space has become a problem. First, the spaces where they can live have become fewer. Also, Goliath Frogs are skilled swimmers and live near rivers. Because of people, the rivers have started to get dirtier, and the frogs are no longer able to live in a safe environment like before.
Read More - Goliath Frog
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